What we do

arrows can't breach wall except for one luminescent arrow

What we do

Innovative Private Marketing doesn't just broker affiliate programs.
We build and nurture solid business partnerships that add real value to users and turn prospective leads into loyal clients.

Our boutique approach means leading affiliate network members are curated to perfection through pre-onboarding consultations to determine whether each affiliate or advertiser are a correct fit for the network.


IPM Play logo

Leads Generation

FROM € 600

Mr Click logo

Consultation and project review

FROM € 150

Mr Click logo

Brand development

FROM € 2000

Joining the top affiliate network

Innovative Private Marketing grants you 6 guaranteed benefits

Our Affiliate Program

Long-lasting business

High payouts and top
quality traffic

Wide Range of

Dedicated affiliate


A unique setup that increases
your conversion rates

What is an affiliate network? people smiling and looking towards you

Affiliate Marketing made Simple

Affiliate marketing allows online publishers to monetize their traffic via the promotion of a third-party product or service, in exchange for a commission for each conversion or sale.

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